On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 10:42:31AM +0100, Gonçalo Borges wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Sure.. but the normal rdac handler (that comes with the kernel) doesn't
> > spit those errors. It looks as a proprietary module.
> >
> > If this is the proprietary module, what happens when you use the one that
> > comes with
> > the RHEL5U2 kernel?
> >
> This RDAC handler is suggested in
> http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/systems/topic/liaai/rdac/BPMultipathRDAC.pdf,
> and I had to download it from
> http://www.lsi.com/rdac/rdac-LINUX-09.02.C5.16-source.tar.gz, and compile
> it. I haven't tested the RDAC from the Kernel... Do you have any info on how
> to do it?

Move the module it created to some old place (those would be the mpp*.ko files)
and make sure that there is a dm-rdac.ko is in your /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ 

Boot a normal initrd, not the one the LSI package created.

The multipath.conf that you posted will work. You can check that by running
lsmod | grep rdac

and you should see dm_rdac loaded.

> What I have done previously was to test the DM-multipath with the
> "path_checker readsector0" in /etc/multipath. I got the same problems in

Yikes. You don't want that.

> this Raid 10 configuration for the DS3300. However, dividing the same DS3300
> in 6 R1, I had no problems either with the present RDAC or with readsector0,

6 R1 ?

> but I got better I/O performance with the RDAC.

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