I ran into an odd interaction between having Data Digest enabled for a
session and the classic Unit Attention check condition for the first
command issued during a session other than Inquiry.  My base setup is
as follows:

Open iSCSI Initiator: 2.0-869.2
RHEL 5.2 32 bit running in an ESX VM

My test has four target entities behind a dual portal -portal group.
The targets are setup to negotiate digest as follow:
Target1: no header digest / no data digest
Target2: no header digest / data digest
Target3: header digest / no data digest
Target4: header digest / data digest

The problem:
Open iSCSI posts a connection error and resets the connection when the
Unit Attention check condition is received on Targets 2 and 4
following a Test Unit Ready command.  My first guess was that there
was a problem with Data Digest generated by for the response PDU
containing the check.  However, the Wireshark capture performed on the
nitiator side is saying the digest is good.  I checked the response
PDU format and padding and it looks correct.

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

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