Yangkook Kim wrote:
>> It looks like you used the git tree. What branch did you use? I am
>> asking because I could not find the code below.
> I actually did't use git. I just used "diff -Naur file1 file2 > my patch".
> and put "signed-off" by myself.
> This is actually very first time to send patch and dont't know the correct
> manner to send a patch to maintainer. Sorry for making confused you.
> Do I have to use git to make patch?
> I actually put modified patch of util.c that adds checking
> I explained in the reply to your question in [Pathch 1/2].
> If it would be better if making patch using git, I will do so.

You do not have to make a patch with git. If you do Erez sent a mail 
with good instructions on how to set things up.

If you just make a patch with diff, let me know what version of 
open-iscsi you are patching against.

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