On Wed, Jan 06, 2010 at 11:59:37PM -0800, Jack Z wrote:
> Hi Pasi,
> Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it!
> On Jan 5, 12:58 pm, Pasi Kärkkäinen <pa...@iki.fi> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 05, 2010 at 02:05:03AM -0800, Jack Z wrote:
> >
> >
> > > > Try using some benchmarking tool that can do multiple outstanding IOs..
> > > > for example ltp disktest.
> >
> > > And I tried ltp disktest, too. But I'm not sure whether I used it
> > > right because the result was a little surprising...
> >
> > > I did
> >
> > > disktest -w -S0:1k -B 1024 /dev/sdb
> >
> > > (/dev/sdb is the iSCSI device file, no partition or file system on it)
> >
> > > And the result was:
> >
> > > | 2010/01/05-02:58:26 | START | 27293 | v1.4.2 | /dev/sdb | Start
> > > args: -w -S0:1024k -B 1024 -PA (-I b) (-N 8385867) (-K 4) (-c) (-p R)
> > > (-L 1048577) (-D 0:100) (-t 0:2m) (-o 0)
> > > | 2010/01/05-02:58:26 | INFO  | 27293 | v1.4.2 | /dev/sdb | Starting
> > > pass
> > > ^C| 2010/01/05-03:00:58 | STAT  | 27293 | v1.4.2 | /dev/sdb | Total
> > > bytes written in 85578 transfers: 87631872
> > > | 2010/01/05-03:00:58 | STAT  | 27293 | v1.4.2 | /dev/sdb | Total
> > > write throughput: 701055.0B/s (0.67MB/s), IOPS 684.6/s.
> > > | 2010/01/05-03:00:58 | STAT  | 27293 | v1.4.2 | /dev/sdb | Total
> > > Write Time: 125 seconds (0d0h2m5s)
> > > | 2010/01/05-03:00:58 | STAT  | 27293 | v1.4.2 | /dev/sdb | Total
> > > overall runtime: 152 seconds (0d0h2m32s)
> > > | 2010/01/05-03:00:58 | END   | 27293 | v1.4.2 | /dev/sdb | User
> > > Interrupt: Test Done (Passed)
> >
> > > As you can see, the throughput was only 0.67MB/s and only 85578
> > > written in 87631872 transfers...
> > > I also tweaked the options with "-p l" and/or "-I bd" (change seek
> > > pattern to linear and/or speficy IO type as block and direct IO) but
> > > no improvement happened...
> >
> > Hmm.. so it does 684 IO operations per second (IOPS), and each IO was 1k
> > in size, so it makes 684 kB/sec of throughput.
> >
> > 1000 milliseconds (1 second) divided by 684 IOPS is 1.46 milliseconds per 
> > IO..
> >
> > Are you sure you had 16ms of rtt?
> Actually that was probably the output from 0.2 ms rtt instead of 16
> ms... I'm sorry for the mistake. I tried again the same command on a
> 16ms RTT, and the IOPS was mostly around 180.

1000ms divided by 16ms rtt gives you 62,5 synchronous IOPS max.
So that means you had about 3 outstanding IOs running, since you
got 180 IOPS.

If I'm still following everything correctly :)

> > Try to play and experiment with these options:
> >
> > -B 64k  (blocksize 64k, try also 4k)
> > -I BD (block device, direct IO (O_DIRECT))
> > -K 16 (16 threads, aka 16 outstanding IOs. -K 1 should be the same as dd)
> >
> > Examples:
> >
> > Sequential (linear) reads using blocksize 4k and 4 simultaneous threads, 
> > for 60 seconds:
> > disktest -B 4k -h 1 -I BD -K 4 -p l -P T -T 60 -r /dev/sdX
> >
> > Random writes:
> >
> > disktest -B 4k -h 1 -I BD -K 4 -p r -P T -T 60 -w /dev/sdX
> >
> > 30% random reads, 70% random writes:
> > disktest -r -w -D30:70 -K2 -E32 -B 8k -T 60 -pR -Ibd -PA /dev/md4
> >
> > Hopefully that helps..
> That did help. I tried the following combinations of -B -K and -p at
> 20 ms RTT and the other options were -h 30 -I BD -P T -S0:(1 GB size)
> -B 4k/64k -K 4/64 -p l
> It seems that when I put -p l there the performance goes down
> drastically...

That's really weird.. linear/sequential (-p l) should always be faster
than random.

> -B 4k -K 4/64 -p r
> The disk throughput is similar to the one I used in the previous post
> "disktest -w -S0:1k -B 1024 /dev/sdb " and it's much lower than dd
> could get.

like said, weird.

> -B 64k -K 4 -p r
> The disk throughput is higher than the last one but still not as high
> as dd could get.
> -B 64k -K 64 -p r
> The disk throughput was boosted to 8.06 MB/s and the IOPS was 129.0.
> At the link layer, the traffic rate was 70.536 Mbps (the TCP baseline
> was 96.202 Mbps). At the same time, dd ( bs=64K count=(1 GB size)) got
> a throughput of 6.7 MB/s and the traffic rate on the link layer was
> 57.749 Mbps.


129 IOPS * 64kB = 8256 kB/sec, which pretty much matches the 8 MB/sec
you measured.

this still means there was only 1 outstanding IO.. and definitely not 64 (-K 

> Although not much, it was still an improvement and it was the first
> improvement I have ever seen since I started my experiments! Thank you
> very much!
> As for
> > Oh, also make sure you have 'oflag=direct' for dd.
> The result was surprisingly low again... Do you think the reason might
> be that I was running dd on a device file (/dev/sdb), which did not
> have any partitions/file systems on it?
> Thanks a lot!

oflag=direct makes dd use O_DIRECT, aka bypass all kernel/initiator caches for 
iflag=direct would bypass all caches for reading.

It shouldn't matter if you write or read from /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda. 
As long as it's a raw block device, it shouldn't matter.
If you write/read to/from a filesystem, that obviously matters.

What kind of target you are using for this benchmark? 

-- Pasi

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