On Fri, Feb 05, 2010 at 02:10:32PM +0300, Vladislav Bolkhovitin wrote:
> Pasi Kärkkäinen, on 01/28/2010 03:36 PM wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> Please check these news items:
>> http://blog.fosketts.net/2010/01/14/microsoft-intel-push-million-iscsi-iops/
>> http://communities.intel.com/community/openportit/server/blog/2010/01/19/1000000-iops-with-iscsi--thats-not-a-typo
>> http://www.infostor.com/index/blogs_new/dave_simpson_storage/blogs/infostor/dave_simpon_storage/post987_37501094375591341.html
>> "1,030,000 IOPS over a single 10 Gb Ethernet link"
>> "Specifically, Intel and Microsoft clocked 1,030,000 IOPS (with 
>> 512-byte blocks), and more than 2,250MBps with large block sizes (16KB 
>> to 256KB) using the Iometer benchmark"
>> So.. who wants to beat that using Linux + open-iscsi? :)
> I personally, don't like such tests and don't trust them at all. They  
> are pure marketing. The only goal of them is to create impression that X  
> (Microsoft and Windows in this case) is a super-puper ahead of the  
> world. I've seen on the Web a good article about usual tricks used by  
> vendors to cheat benchmarks to get good marketing material, but,  
> unfortunately, can't find link on it at the moment.
> The problem is that you can't say from such tests if X will also "ahead  
> of the world" on real life usages, because such tests always heavily  
> optimized for particular used benchmarks and such optimizations almost  
> always hurt real life cases. And you hardly find descriptions of those  
> optimizations as well as a scientific description of the tests themself.  
> The results published practically only in marketing documents.
> Anyway, as far as I can see Linux supports all the used hardware as well  
> as all advance performance modes of it, so if one repeats this test in  
> the same setup, he/she should get not worse results.
> For me personally it was funny to see how MS presents in the WinHEC  
> presentation  
> (http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/E/6/5E66B27B-988B-4F50-AF3A-C2FF1E62180F/COR-T586_WH08.pptx)
> that they have 1.1GB/s from 4 connections. In the beginning of 2008 I  
> saw a *single* dd pushing data on that rate over a *single* connection  
> from Linux initiator to iSCSI-SCST target using regular Myricom hardware  
> without any special acceleration. I didn't know how proud I must have  
> been for Linux :).

Hehe, congrats :)

Did you ever benchmark/measure what kind of IOPS numbers you can get? 

-- Pasi

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