Hi Team,

We have changed the Unity storage ports from 1Gig to 10Gig. After that we 
have deleted the old iqn's from storage level and compute level.

old iqn's :

New 10Gig iqn's :

 After deleting old iqn's we are able to access the storage at compute 
level, that storage is assigned to openstack vm.

We have rebooted one compute host, after that we are unable to access the 
storage and the openstack vm is going to error state. 

As per the nova-compute logs, the nova is trying to search for old iqn's 
which is not present that's the reason vm is going to error state.

Could you please find the below logs and advise further...

root@compute75 ~]# iscsiadm -m session
tcp: [1],8 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.b0 
tcp: [2],9 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.a0 
tcp: [3],7 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.a1 
tcp: [4],6 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.b1 

We have rebooted the old iqn's from compute level, Storage team already 
removed 1Gig ports from Unity storage side.

[root@compute75 ~]# iscsiadm -m node -T  
iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.b0 -p -u
Logging out of session [sid: 1, target: 
iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.b0, portal:,3260]
Logout of [sid: 1, target: iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.b0, 
portal:,3260] successful.
[root@compute75 ~]# iscsiadm -m node -T  
iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.a0  -p -u
Logging out of session [sid: 2, target: 
iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.a0, portal:,3260]
Logout of [sid: 2, target: iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.a0, 
portal:,3260] successful.
[root@compute75 ~]# iscsiadm -m node -o delete -T  
[root@compute75 ~]# iscsiadm -m node -o delete -T  
[root@compute75 ~]#
[root@compute75 ~]# systemctl restart iscsi
[root@compute75 ~]# systemctl restart multipathd

Try `iscsiadm --help' for more information.
[root@compute75 ~]# iscsiadm --m node,7 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.a1,6 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.b1
[root@compute75 ~]#

After reboot of the compute host 

root@compute75 ~]# iscsiadm --m session
tcp: [3],7 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.a1 
tcp: [4],6 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.b1 
[root@compute75 ~]# multipath -ll
mpathb (36006016029104b0084e7955d71109aa0) dm-1 DGC     ,VRAID
size=1.0G features='2 queue_if_no_path retain_attached_hw_handler' 
hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
|-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=50 status=active
| `- 10:0:0:12395 sdm 8:192 active ready running
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=10 status=enabled
  `- 11:0:0:12395 sdn 8:208 active ready running
mpatha (36006016029104b0050e3955d0d37f4ae) dm-0 DGC     ,VRAID
size=10G features='2 queue_if_no_path retain_attached_hw_handler' 
hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
|-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=50 status=active
| `- 11:0:0:4390  sdl 8:176 active ready running
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=10 status=enabled
  `- 10:0:0:4390  sdk 8:160 active ready running
[root@compute75 ~]#

After removing old paths, still we are able to access the storage.

[root@compute75 ~]# ssh sdn@
sdn@'s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-142-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com
 * Management:     https://landscape.canonical.com
 * Support:        https://ubuntu.com/advantage

98 packages can be updated.
56 updates are security updates.

Last login: Fri Oct  4 16:49:06 2019 from
sdn@ubuntu:~$ df -hT /mnt/test
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vdb1      ext3  991M   35M  906M   4% /mnt/test
sdn@ubuntu:~$ cd /mnt/test
sdn@ubuntu:/mnt/test$ touch bb
touch: cannot touch 'bb': Permission denied
sdn@ubuntu:/mnt/test$ sudo su -
[sudo] password for sdn:
root@ubuntu:~# cd /mnt/test
root@ubuntu:/mnt/test# touch bb
root@ubuntu:/mnt/test# ls
aa  bb  docs  docs2  lost+found

Now rebooted the compute node. The vm is going to error state.

[root@compute75 ~]# reboot
Connection to compute75 closed by remote host.
Connection to compute75 closed.
[root@osc ~(keystone_admin)]#

[root@osc ~(keystone_admin)]# openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name      | Status | Networks      
  | Image Name |
| 15c064ca-8bd0-40be-b384-c796db1da953 | test_vol3 | ERROR  | 
net1= | ubuntu     |
| afd5c571-2152-4313-988e-c74a8fc7f586 | test_vol2 | ACTIVE | 
net1= | ubuntu     |
| 34d6b9aa-4642-461c-ba22-508de8f5ba5a | test_vol1 | ERROR  | 
net1=  | ubuntu     |
[root@osc ~(keystone_admin)]#

2019-10-07 16:09:52.456 28347 WARNING os_brick.initiator.connectors.iscsi 
[req-1f65b818-108d-41cb-9ea1-ca18761a673f - - - - -] Failed to login iSCSI 
target iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.b0 on portal 
(exit code 8).
2019-10-07 16:09:52.458 28347 INFO os_brick.initiator.connectors.iscsi 
[req-1f65b818-108d-41cb-9ea1-ca18761a673f - - - - -] Trying to connect to 
iSCSI portal
2019-10-07 16:11:52.636 28347 WARNING os_brick.initiator.connectors.iscsi 
[req-1f65b818-108d-41cb-9ea1-ca18761a673f - - - - -] Failed to login iSCSI 
target iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.ckm00185002995.a0 on portal 
(exit code 8).
2019-10-07 16:11:52.789 28347 ERROR os_brick.initiator.connectors.iscsi 
[req-1f65b818-108d-41cb-9ea1-ca18761a673f - - - - -] Could not login to any 
iSCSI portal.
2019-10-07 16:11:52.790 28347 WARNING nova.compute.manager 
[req-1f65b818-108d-41cb-9ea1-ca18761a673f - - - - -] [instance: 
15c064ca-8bd0-40be-b384-c796db1da953] Failed to resume instance 

Could you please advise further on this.

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