Are LockGroups supported by OpenJPA?  The manual still describes their usage
and I have found a message that indicates an upgrade to "enterprise edition"
is required to use LockGroups...  :-)

lock-group-requires-perf-pack: Field "{0}" declares the lock-group
extension. \
   In order to use custom lock groups, you must have a performance pack or
   enterprise edition license. Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details on \
   upgrading your license.

But, I have found no code references to indicate that they exist.  The
functionality sounds helpful.  Was this function accidentally forgotten?

And, it seems that this missing LockGroup function may have ripple effects
to other functions, such as multiple version column mapping:

bad-col-lg-counts: Cannot synchronize mapping information: the number of \
   version columns is not equal to the number of lock groups.

I don't see this message id (bad-col-lg-counts) used anywhere, so maybe this
"restriction" is no longer in place?


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