
 Quick work!  Thanks for taking care of these things.  Couple of comments:

I didn't realize there was a de-facto minimum time

Typically, vote time runs for 3 days, which gives folks in different
time zones and day jobs enough time to have a look.

I did follow-up with a thread on Kevin's concern

Apologies that I missed that!  It was handled exactly right and I see
that Kevin was happy with the state of the release and the future

...GPG signature...

Yes, GPG signatures should be made for incubating releases, and the
keys used to create these sigs should be stored in a KEYS file in the
SVN root for the project.  Note, these keys don't have to be signed.
Robert, you're likely more up-to-date on current Incubator thinking
about this than I, but that was my understanding.

...source distribution...

I ask because it's important to look at the release to see if the
files have the appropriate license headers.

As far as an SVN tag, Robert is right -- the Open JPA community should
decide whether to tag a release, but it's definitely a best practice.
Tagging the release provides a named point-in-time that can be used to
recreate a specific version.  It's way more convenient than having to
spin up a Java VM to find the SVN version.  :)  While you're at it,
it's also a good idea define a tag naming convention.

 Once these things are done to your collective satisfaction, can you
recreate the release and restart the vote?  In the meantime, I'll take
a look at the source distribution.



On 10/19/06, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/19/06, Marc Prud'hommeaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eddie-


> >  - Is there an SVN tag for this?
> No, although the SVN revision number is contained in the release
> (FTR, it can be seen by running: "java
> org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAVersion").
> Is there a policy on SVN tag names for incubating releases?

policy is to delegate this to the podling

IMO the naming scheme chosen should be obvious (apache releases are
preserved indefinitely and sometimes the occasion arises that someone
needs to be able to find the tag for a release many years down the
line) and internally consistent (pick a rule and stick to it).

- robert

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