
Note that in many cases, we track the thread's context class loader, but only use it as an auxiliary loader to check when searching for classes: typically, class loading will go happen via the Configuration's getClassResolverInstance().

That isn't to say that there aren't potential problems with our class loading, but if we were only using global class loaders, then we wouldn't be working with EJBs deployed in application servers (which we clearly are).

Maybe if you could provide some stack traces and more information on the environment in which class loading is being seen to fail, we can investigate more thoroughly.

On Jan 3, 2007, at 12:29 AM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

The BrokerImpl class initializes the _loader to Thread.currentThread ().getContextClassLoader() when constructed (when an EM is constructed). This cl is used while loading the mappings file. This causes the entity classes to be loaded from the thread context class loader instead of the class loader specified in the PersistenceUnit. Is this expected behavior?

In the mean time, I'll code around it.


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