We need to report what happened this quarter to the Incubator to forward to the board. Here's a start. Time is short, so please take a look and add interesting items so we can get this done TODAY

=== OpenJPA ===

OpenJPA made good progress this quarter in all areas. The project has many active committers all driving toward improving functionality, stability, performance, and usability.

OpenJPA has met all of the technical requirements for graduation from incubation, and is now waiting for the community to feel ready. It is not clear whether the destination should be a TLP or a sub-project of another. This discussion has not been started yet. Well, I guess it just has.


Development continues on the 0.9.7 release, which will contain many bug fixes and performance improvements. Kevin Sutter has been volunteered to cut the release once we decide there is enough done on the list.

The JSR 220 TCK was passed.

JIRA now contains numerous proposed bug fixes and feature enhancements, tentatively assigned to release buckets.


The project is running smoothly with all systems green.


One new committer was added (Michael Dick).

Two new PPMC members were added (Marc Prud'hommeaux and Abe White).

Craig Russell
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://db.apache.org/jdo

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