Do you have an orm.xml (or another <mapping>.xml file) that might override some information? Can it be that not all classes are on the classpath? Or can there be another persistence.xml or orm.xml on the classpath that can affect the results? As there are plenty of tests that test an entity that extend an abstract entity, it's most probably something in your configuration that causes the problem.

BTW, what kind of error do you get with Toplink?


tbee wrote:

Marina Vatkina wrote:

This is close to impossible as there are probably CTS tests that use an
that extends another @Entity. Are you using JPA in an EE 5 container?
Otherwise you need to list all antities and mapped superclasses in your

I did'n't say this didn't work under OpenJPA, it doesn't work under Toplink.
OpenJPA  continues to have the same exceptions as stated in the origin of
this thread, so the @MappedSuperclass is not the reason.

JSE 1.6.0.
All classes are listed in the persistance.xml (because it knows the class in
question is persisted, but has trouble finding the metadata).

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