Hi Wasto

Please correct me if i'm not mistaken . in the URL [1]  that you shared i
can't see the rsyslog-ng  , instead  of  it have package_rsyslog_installed So
its check for the correct package is'nt it ?


Thank you

On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 at 18:28, Watson Yuuma Sato <ws...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 29/08/18 18:34, Dhanushka Parakrama wrote:
> Hi  Team
> We have ran the scan for debian 8 using below command
> *oscap  xccdf eval   --profile
> xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_anssi_np_nt28_high --report
> report.html  ssg-debian8-ds.xml*
> Got alerts as below ,
> ===============
> [image: image.png]
> As the solution suggested change the group as below
> * chgrp adm /var/log/* -R *
>  [image: image.png]
> but we still getting the
>  *Ensure Log Files Are Owned By Appropriate Group -> Failed *
>  Is there any reason for that ?
> Hello, Dhanushka,
> The check for this rule also verifies if rsyslog is in use. Now,
> unfortunately, it checks for rsyslog, not rsyslog-ng.
> Here is where the check is defined:
> https://github.com/OpenSCAP/scap-security-guide/blob/master/linux_os/guide/system/logging/ensure_rsyslog_log_file_configuration/rsyslog_files_groupownership/oval/shared.xml
>  Thank You
> Dhanushka
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> Watson Sato
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