
Unfortunately, the "tailoring" feature is broken in Anaconda Addon.

However, there is a workaround, suggested by Watson Yuuma Sato (adding him to 
this conversation).
Let me copy-paste his idea:

There is a tool that can combine the tailoring to the datastream or XCCDF file. 
So it is possible
to embed the tailoring into content file and get it through "content-url" field.

Quick howto commands and instructions below:
Grab the combine-tailoring tool
$ git clone https://github.com/mpreisler/combine-tailoring.git
cd combine-tailoring

Combine tailoring and content
./combine-tailoring.py --output ssg-rhel7-ds-combined.xml 

Serve the file ssg-rhel7-ds-combined.xml in your network, and 
in the kickstart:
- change content-type to datastream or xccdf
- add field content-url and point to your new combined content
- change profile to the id of your customized profile, please note that it must 
be the full id.

For example:
%addon org_fedora_oscap
       content-type = datastream
       content-url =
       profile = xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_standard_customized

Hopefully it helps.


Jan Černý
Security Technologies | Red Hat, Inc.

----- Original Message -----
> From: "MARK D CTR USAF AFMC 412 RANS ROSS/JT4" <mark.ross.5....@us.af.mil>
> To: open-scap-list@redhat.com
> Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2018 2:02:51 AM
> Subject: [Open-scap] question on addon_fedora_oscap
> HI
> I hope this is the right place to ask this ? I am not finding much help with
> the documents. My goal is to build virtual systems that is scapped and using
> the kickstart  Anaconda Addon to automate the scaping process. Everything is
> working except for the "tailoring-path". I have created a tailoring.xml file
> and  I don't understand how to fetch the tailoring.xml file
> >From the DOCS
> tailoring-path - Path of the tailoring file that should be used, given as a
> relative path in the archive.
> So if the tailoring-path must be in an archive, does the content-type have to
> be "archive" ? if so then what type of archive ? tar ? rpm ?
> I am fetching everything over the network so what would be my best option ?
> Can anyone direct me to an example of this ?
> thanks
> %addon org_fedora_oscap
> content-type = datastream
> content-url = http://adaps-f1/scap/ssg-centos7-ds.xml
> datastream-id =
> scap_org.open-scap_datastream_from_xccdf_ssg-rhel7-xccdf-1.2.xml
> xccdf-id = scap_org.open-scap_cref_ssg-rhel7-xccdf-1.2.xml
> profile = xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig-rhel7-disa
> tailoring-path = http://adaps-f1/scap/ssg-centos7-ds-tailoring.xml
> %end
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