On 10/10/18 5:01 AM, Jan Cerny wrote:

OpenSCAP support for Windows hasn't been improved much since the
1.3.0_alpha1 releases. The only thing that we have done
recently is that we added Windows CPEs to the inbuilt CPE dictionary.

How far along is Windows support? Saw the mention of 'basic' -- but how
should OpenSCAP on Windows be positioned?
OpenSCAP 1.3.0 can be compiled and installed on Windows, it runs, it produces
"some" results. But it's very bad.

- How many Windows probes are implemented?
OpenSCAP 1.3.0 for Windows has the following 4 probes:
* system_info
* registry
* wmi57
* accesstoken

- Does OpenSCAP on Windows pass the NIST automated tooling?
Nobody tried that. I expect that it doesn't pass.

- Where can we send people who want to find out more?
For people that would like to contribute code I would point them to developer's
manual where they can find how to build it on Windows.

For normal users we don't have anything.
I think we definitely should mention that it exists onwww.open-scap.org.

The problem with OpenSCAP for Windows is that nobody is working on that now,
and it is not tested at all. Also, it is not supported by Red Hat in any way.
Understand the Windows support is community driven.

IIRC, wasn't there someone building a master thesis about this work? Has that been completed?

I'm sorry if the release announcement email caused a confusion.
I mentioned the Windows support under "Key differences from 1.2.x series"
because the 1.3.0_alpha1 and 1.3.0_alpha2 releases were intended as 
I supposed most people didn't follow their changelog. I wanted to point out 
at least the main differences of 1.3.0 for users of 1.2.x releases.

However, as usually, the full changelog is located at:

Nah, wouldn't say confusion. Wasn't sure of the broader Windows support so figured I'd just ask!
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