Hello, it is technically possible to compile and execute the OpenSCAP scanner itself on Windows natively, but the ComplianceAsCode project doesn't supply Windows content. In other words, if the content is what holds you back, we can't help you with that.

It looks like that you are able to run the scanner, but just to be sure, you can grab a build of OpenSCAP scanner here:


On 04. 07. 19 8:53, Maurizio Pagani wrote:

Hi everybody,

Is possible use openscap for windows?

I'm searching some things online, but anything tell me how install/configure/execute openscap on windows

I downloaded OpenScap WorkBench, but there is not the windows content (only for Linux distro)

but i need to know if is possible download the content for windows and add to openscap workbench (windows edition)

thanks in advance for your support


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