A new Job, ID: 210354 <http://ejobsville.com/display-job/210354> was added
at eJobsVille.com - For the Best Tech Jobs in Town <http://ejobsville.com>

Title:  iOS Developer  posted on 2014-07-21 18:58:23

Job Description:*Brief Job details:  *Design and develop enterprise mobile
applications for iOS 7.x. Must be proficient in Objective C programming
language, Xcode IDE, iOS Human Guidelines, XML, web services, JSON,
CoreData, Media Management, GPS

Job Requirements: *Required Skills: *Must be proficient in Objective C
programming language, Xcode IDE, iOS Human Guidelines, XML, web services,
JSON, CoreData, Media Management, GPS

*Click here to view full job description and apply
<http://ejobsville.com/display-job/210354>  (Registration not mandatory to
apply for this job)*

Best regards,
eJobsVille.com - For The Best Tech Jobs In Town

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