""Revolutionaries, activists, disobedient, Integrals, creators, movers,
dreamers, free, committed, resistant, networked and selfmanaged. The
choice of disobedience as our path is what moved us to organize
ourselves and create spaces which are autonomous and free from oppression.

Our strategy was born on February 2013 with the protection of the
freedom of those who have already disobeyed and who are feeling harassed
by the mechanisms of power.

This is how RADI began, as a collective structure for the protection and
defense of activists committed to the radical transformation of society.

Now we want to step forward with strength and be more proactive. We
already know that one of the most powerful ways to protect those who are
fighting is to disseminate news of their actions. This is why RADI is
starting off in the field of information.

Springing from a spirit of rebellion, from everywhere, anywhere and
nowhere. A quality media , because being an activist does not mean
giving up being a journalist. An independent media, because being a
journalist does not mean giving up being a revolutionary. To unlearn
everything that we were taught which tore us apart. To make visible what
unites us in diversity. For the common good, not the good of the State,
or the 1% To remember that there is only one earth, of which all the
creatures that inhabit it are equally a part. To narrate the events from
other worlds that are being built. To discover new technologies that can
help us in our liberation. To network with other media anywhere in the
world. To build a shield against repression, whilst we empower our
self-organization. That’s why we are announcing that a new media is born.

RADI.MS A new world from the Integral Revolution."

-Da grande faro' il cattivo esempio, questo e' uno stage formativo-
bit in rebels
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