e mo so cazzacci vostri



-------- Messaggio originale --------

Data: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 11:04:42 +0200
Mittente: Pirates Without Borders
Organizzazione: Pirates without borders

Dear Lilo

Welcome to Pirates without Borders! We are happy to welcome you as a new

On the website http://pirates-without-borders.org you can find the
official notifications of the association and information regarding
future events. In order to receive updates and participate in
discussions, please sign up for the internal mailing list:
http://lists.pirates-without-borders.org/listinfo/discuss. In Redmine,
which can be reached via http://projects.pirates-without-borders.org,
you will find everything on which we are currently working, as well as
our archive.

If you have any issues signing up, or if you have any questions, please
let us know.

See you soon,

Moira Brülisauer
for the Board of Pirates without Boarders
Moira Bruelisauer

Pirates Without Borders

-Da grande faro' il cattivo esempio, questo e' uno stage formativo-
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