OpenAFS release team weekly meeting

Date: Jun 28, 2019
  * Stephan Wiesand (Release Manager)
  * Ben Kaduk
  * Mark Vitale

The weekly release team meetings are held on Fridays at 15:00GMT
(11:00EDT) in on jabber.  Please
request login information if you would like to participate. Logs are
available at:


* Weekly OpenAFS Release Team jabber meetings have been moved +2 hours
  to 15:00GMT (11:00EDT, 8:00PDT) in order to better accommodate people
  in the Pacific time zone.

1.8.x series

* NEWS for 1.8.4pre1 ready for review
* 13599: fix for 3-char cellnames
  - Mark V to address review comments
* 13641: not targeted for 1.8.4

1.6.x series

* Next 1.6.x release to follow 1.8.4pre1


* 13654: RPM packaging fix from Kurt H Maier
  - Tell systemd to run openafs after dkms
    when dkms is present

* linux-automount changes by Andrew are in
  progress for per-volume superblocks

* all rxgk-phase1 topic gerrits have been merged
  on to the master branch (limited rxgk support)

* NEWS file and version bump needed for 1.9.0
  devel release.


Note: gerrit openid issues were resolved after
      the release-team meeting.  Thank you Ben and the support
      staff at MIT for the quick resolution.

Gerrit openid issues late last week.  The issue was when gerrit
goes forward to the openid provider and acts as a TLS client -- the java
keystore doesn't have the root needed to verify the cert that launchpad
presents to us, so we get the "provider not properly configured" error.


Recently submitted for branch 'openafs-stable-1_6_x':

Recently merged onto branch 'openafs-stable-1_6_x':

Recently submitted for branch 'openafs-stable-1_8_x':

Recently merged onto branch 'openafs-stable-1_8_x':

Recently submitted for branch 'master':

13665 LINUX: Run the 'sparse' checker if available
13659 util: serverLog using memory after free
13666 conf: add config flags to turn off gcc format-truncation warnings
13664 uss: uss_procs.c format-overflow warning
13663 ptserver: testpt.c format-overflow warning
13662 ptserver: Incorrect variable used to print error msg
13661 rxkad: v5der.c format truncation warnings
13660 libadmin: overlap warning in strcpy with gcc9
13654 add dkms dependency in Red Hat unit file
13655 Move afs_pthread_setname_self to opr
13657 afscp: Add -l option
13656 afscp: Link against opr/roken/hcrypto

Recently merged onto branch 'master':

13207 3f0b9907d afs: test condition mismatch resolved
13654 fbe2a03aa add dkms dependency in Red Hat unit file
13371 877d9d79a aklog: Avoid misleading AFSCELL message
13600 e14a69cf9 rx: Set listener pthread name
13655 9d28f7390 Move afs_pthread_setname_self to opr
13653 994180242 libafs: Create $(DESTDIR)$(KMODDIR) on FBSD inst
13652 85d70ea95 asetkey: Fix random_key for Heimdal
13280 34fd532e3 DARWIN: Use tb->code_raw for BOP_MOVE
13287 0c1d124b0 rxkad: Update ticket5 from heimdal
13640 54c34d32e afs: remove bogus comment from afs_IsTokenExpired
13557 3a5ab19fe afs: add a file-level comment to afs_osidnlc.c
13508 30a6ab30f ptserver: Check for superuser in WhoIsThisWithName
13501 316b862af ptclient: rxgk support
11105 e5b1e6f1a Add rxgk client options to vl and pt utilities

Michael Meffie <>
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