>>>>> "Derek" == Derek Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Derek> Turbo Fredriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    >> When we are on the subject, I think I remember (when I read the
    >> Admin guide a couple of months ago) that the 'replicas' are
    >> read-only. Did I misunderstand/misread that part? A read-only
    >> 'replica/slave' isn't of any use... ?

    Derek> Sure it is.  A lot of system software is quazi-static, so
    Derek> having read-only replication is perfectly acceptable.
    Derek> Obviously this doesn't help for homedirs, but "/usr/local"
    Derek> works great. :)

Right... And public etc. Got it, thanx. And it's not possible to replicate
'readable'? Say for homedirs etc?

    Derek> Similarly, /afs, /afs/cell, /afs/cell/user, and other core
    Derek> cell directories can/should be replicated, because your
    Derek> volume set is also quazistatic.

So THESE are what _I_ should really replicate? Low on disk, remember...
Oki, so I won't have much use of my 'replicas' but it should ease a 
restore if the main server crash, and also WHEN (hopefully WHEN and not
IF :) I get more disk for my 'replicas'... ?
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