>Here's a link for OpenAFS 1.2.7 Windows client (English only) installers:
>I will make 1.2.8 (& beyond) available upon release. Enjoy!

I have tried to install on a win2k and I get the following error message when 
afs service is started( without success):

afs_service - ordinal not found
The ordinal 204 could not be located in the dynamic link library afsrpc.dll

Any suggestion?

win2k pro has been recentely installed on that machine and a 3.5.x version of 
AFS has been installed also, but it did not work. I have uninstalled it 
before installing OpenAfs 1.2.7.



Giovanni Bracco
Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla Fusione
C.R.E. ENEA Frascati
Via E. Fermi 45
I-00044 Frascati (Roma) Italy

phone 00-39-06-9400-5597
FAX   00-39-06-9400-5735
WWW http://fusfis.frascati.enea.it/~bracco

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