Tyler Hepworth wrote:

I have the AFS client installed on Windows XP. When I place a file on an AFS share from Windows, the file permissions (as viewed from a linux client) are -rwxrwxrwx. Because linux sees the file as executable, it allows me to attempt to execute the file. This happens whether the file is text, binary or otherwise. If I copy a file from a linux client to an AFS share, the file maintains the same permissions it had before being copied to the AFS share. Does anyone know how to prevent files from being set as executable when copied from Windows to AFS and then viewed on linux?

Thanks for any assistance,



Off hand, I know of no solution to this. This is not just specific to AFS. When I read any files from DOS/windows under unix, then all of the files are executable. This is the same if I copy a DOS file to unix via Samba, or if I read a DOS floppy.

I'm not sure if this helps.

Jason Edgecombe

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