Depends on the architectures your fileservers are running on. For Linux and NT Transarc had implemented the NAMEI-interface where you don't need a special fsck. Here everything should be ok.

On the other architectures I suggest to use also the NAMEI-interface for some reasons:

1) You get rid of the special fsck (may be a problem with software RAIDs etc)

2) salvage of single volumes is much faster because all files of a volume group are under the same directory

3) you can dump or tar and restore partitions and you can see the files.

If you switch between the traditional mechanism and NAMEI you have to move the volumes by "vos move" because the NAMEI-fileserver does not understand the traditional partition and vice versa.

If you keep using the traditional mechanism you schould be able to just start the new binaries with the old partitions.


Kevin Coffman wrote:
I think this is the case, but wanted to verify.

When upgrading from Transarc fileserver binaries to OpenAFS, there are no disk format changes? Just swap out the binaries and go. Correct?

Also, there is no need to change from the Transarc fsck program. Correct?


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