On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 03:09, Hartmut Reuter wrote:
> Norman P. B. Joseph schrieb:
> > I have a replicated volume (on the same server and partition as its RW
> > volume) that won't attach, and won't respond to salvaging.  Here's the
> > SalvageLog entry when salvaging the single volume:
> > 
> > # bos salvage sun43 s 536871053 -showlog
> > [...salvaging...]
> > SalvageLog:
> > @(#)Base configuration afs3.6 2.5
> > 02/21/2003 10:56:29 STARTING AFS SALVAGER 2.4 (/usr/afs/bin/salvager /viceps 
> > 536871053)
> > 02/21/2003 10:56:40 Scanning inodes on device /dev/rdsk/c2t0d2s6...
> > 02/21/2003 10:57:07 No applicable vice inodes on c2t0d2s6; not salvaged
> > Temporary file /viceps/salvage.inodes.c2t0d2s6.2142 is missing...
> I had a similar effect some days ago in MR-AFS and it turned out that 
> the reason was that the field to keep the file name 
> /viceps/salvage.inodes.c2t0d2s6.2142... was too short. So it had created 
> the file, but the name he was looking for was cut off at the end. Have a 
> look into vol-salvage.c! Seems to be a problem on Solaris with its long 
> device names.

Not that I doubt your diagnosis, Harmut, (and thanks for the response),
but "c2t0d2s6" is a long name?  And anyways, it seems long past the time
that we should be expecting dynamically generated pathnames fit into
fixed-length buffers.  Regardless, all the file servers here are running
Transarc AFS under Solaris 7, and I don't recall running into this
problem before, having done many salvages.  What might have tickled this
particular bug?

> > How do I recover from a volume that won't salvage?  Being a clone, will
> > a "vos remove; vos addsite" work on this volume?
> > 

The real reason for my post is this:  In practical terms, I have a clone
volume that I can't seem to salvage, but neither can I delete it or
"zap" it, or re-release the volume as long as this bad clone exists. 
Does anyone have any advice for recovering from this position?  I can
only imagine doing something like "vos remsite" for that volume and then
pretending it doesn't exist anymore, but that leaves a bad taste in my
mouth for obvious reasons.

 Norman Joseph, Systems Engineer           [EMAIL PROTECTED]      IC|XC
 Concurrent Technologies Corporation         814/269.2633         --+--
 Global Systems Center                                            NI|KA

  ***  Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle  ***

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