works fine with several 3rd party modules i use (loading from path outside of /lib/modules).
Even if i put the module in the /lib/modules tree, it still no workie. it seems the module is being built incorrectly and the module loader does not accept it.

i won't have much impetus to get this working either, since i have arla working (with a module being loaded from /usr/lib/arla/bin BTW)

i appreciate your help though.

<-----Original Message----->e r0ck wrote:
>> of course i depmodded.
>> modprobe /usr/vice/etc/whateverthenameofthemodulewas.ko
>No, no.
>Put the module somewhere in /lib/modules/`uname -r` and then run
>modprobe whateverthenameofthemodulewas.ko
>With no path...

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