the Windows client problem you reference below will be fixed in 1.3.72
however, the underlying filesystem issue is almost certainly the same one other people are having, and i can give you a patch if you're willing to try it which will not fix the issue but may help us track it

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004, John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:

Our linux/AFS 1.2.11 file server has been hanging the last few weeks.
We have been upgrading machines to Windows XP SPII and OpenAFS 1.7.x
over the last month or so. Here is one issue I found that was causing
the problem:

We have a user who uses a Windows application called Matlab for
generating and processing hundreds of files in AFS space from a Windows
XP machine. He was running OpenAFS 1.2.x client. His machine was upgraded
to Service pack II and OpenAFS 1.3.71. His Matlab application hangs in
windows and our file server eventually melts down.

I am not an expert at debugging AFS, let me know if you want me to try
something. I cranked up the debug on the FileLog to 25. I could see his
machine was constantly logging messages like this, (the user name really
is debug):

Wed Oct 13 12:15:47 2004 FindClient: authenticating connection: authClass=2
Wed Oct 13 12:15:47 2004 FindClient: rxkad conn:
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