Same document.. Please check the last example of  "backup volrestore" command in Reference guide.
Can Anybody suggests how to do restore from multiple differential dumps from backup disk file????

Hans-Gunther Borrmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wednesday 17 November 2004 00:57, Tom Jones wrote:
> Hi
> We have OpenAFS 1.2.111-rhel3.0.1 on Redhat Linux 3.0.1. Since there is no
> direct TSM client available, we are using butc to dump data to local disk
> backup data file and then archiving to TSM server using TSM B/A client.
> We are taking full dump on Saturday and differentail incremental dumps on
> Mon,Tues,Wed,Thursday.
> /dev0sat expires in 17d
> /dev0mon expires in 16d
> /dev0tues expires in 15d
> /dev0wed expires in 14d
> /dev0thur expires in 13d
> How to restore data dumped on Wednesday? Accodrding to documents
> backup volrestore -server -partition
> -volume -portoffset a b c d
> where port offset "a" points to fulldump backup data file
> "b" points to incremental backup data file
> (Monday) "c" points to subsequent incremental data file (tuesday) "d"
> points to subsequent incremental data file (wednesday)

In which document did you find that information? The AFS administrator
reference says:

backup volrestore -server
-volume +
[-extension ]
[-date +]
[-portoffset +] [-n]
[-localauth] [-cell ] [-help]

backup volr -s -pa
-v + [-e ]
[-d +] [-po +]
[-n] [-l] [-c ] [-h]

Specifies a date and optionally time; the restored volume includes data from
dumps performed before the date only. Provide a value in the format mm/dd/
yyyy [hh:MM], where the required mm/dd/yyyy portion indicates the month (mm),
day (dd), and year (yyyy), and the optional hh:MM portion indicates the hour
and minutes in 24-hour format (for example, the value 14:36 represents 2:36
p.m.). If omitted, the time defaults to 59 seconds after midnight (00:00:59

Valid values for the year range from 1970 to 2037; higher values are not valid
because the latest possible date in the standard UNIX representation is in
February 2038. The command interpreter automatically reduces any later date
to the maximum value.

If this argument is omitted, the Backup System restores all possible dumps
including the most recently created.

A plus sign follows this argument in the command's syntax statement because it
accepts a multiword value which does not need to be enclosed in double quotes
or other delimiters, not because it accepts multiple dates. Provide only one
date (and optionally, time) definition.

Specifies one or more port offset numbers (up to a maximum of 128), each
corresponding to a Tape Coordinator to use in the operation. If there is more
than one value, the Backup System uses the first one when restoring the full
dump of each volume, the second one when restoring the level 1 incremental
dump of each volume, and so on. It uses the final value in the list when
restoring dumps at the corresponding depth in the dump hierarchy and all
dumps at lower levels.

Provide this argument unless the default value of 0 (zero) is appropriate for
all dumps. If 0 is just one of the values in the list, provide it explicitly
in the appropriate order.

Hans-Gunther Borrmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Freiburg
Hermann-Herder-Str. 10, D79104 FREIBURG
Tel.: +49 761/203-4652
Fax: +49 761/203-4643

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