On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 09:56:12 +0100
Frank Burkhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've got a problem writing data to AFS using an OpenAFS-1.3.73-Client
> on Linux (Kernel 2.6.9, Debian GNU/Linux). Read access seems to work
> fine, i read >10 Gigabytes successfully. But after writing some data
> (some Megabytes), I Get this error message:
>  rxi_AllocPacket: packet not free
> and a Kernel Oops (it's attached to this mail).
> Is there a solution for this problem?

Same here. Kernel 2.6.9 Gentoo Linux, OpenAFS 1.3.73 Client. Reading
works fine, writing a few bytes and the cache manager crashes.

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