Mikkel Kruse Johnsen wrote:
Hi All

Im trying to make apache able to read AFS. I have found some examples on the net but they are all fro apache 1.3, AFS 1.2 and Kerberos 4

I need apache 2, AFS 1.3.74 and Kerberos IV.


If there already is a module I would really like the link :)


We patched mod_auth_pam for apache 2. Therefor we modified code from TU Chemnitz for apache 1.3 to satisfy our needs.




- mod_auth_pam-2.0-1.1.1.tar.gz original code from http://pam.sourceforge.net/mod_auth_pam/ - mod_auth_pam.c.patch patch for mod_auth_pam.c - mod_auth_pam.Makefile.patch patch for the makefile - httpd.pam example configuration for PAM

The session part of the PAM file contains the parameter no_unlog. We need this on one of our servers to enable our users to start some long living jobs.
For only read and/or write access this parameter is unnecessary.
You can set the authentication per directory on your server.

I'm new to AFS and apache programming and my C is rusty, so feedback is welcome.


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