* Sensei [2004-12-23 16:54:08 +0100]:
> Has anyone got AFS working on suse 9.2 using their afs client? I had to 
> fix a script (it searched for kernel module libafs, actually the one 
> shipped with suse is called kafs) but anyway, afsd isn't starting:

Is kafs the OpenAFS implementation or something else?

What kernel version is 9.2 using? With Linux 2.6, you'll want the latest
OpenAFS 1.3.x (currently 1.3.77). Note that Linux 2.6 has an in-kernel
AFS client (contributed by Red Hat?) which is said to be very far from 
feature-complete; make sure you aren't trying to use that.

> plm02:~ # /etc/init.d/afs-client start
> Starting OpenAFS Client
> afsd: Error -1 in basic initialization.
> Adding cell 'phy.bris.ac.uk': error -1
> Adding cell 'vn.uniroma3.it': error -1
> Adding cell 'dia.uniroma3.it': error -1
> afsd: No check server daemon in client.
> afsd: All AFS daemons started.
> afsd: Can't mount AFS on /afs(22)
> fs: Function not implemented
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