Authentication: I have to admit I'm not up to speed on the details of
authentication.  Here's the end-result I would hope to achieve:  Users can
log into their Windows workstations and map a drive to the distributed
filesystem.  To keep things easy for everyone, they mount this drive through
standard windows methods, which means through SMB.  I would therefore
imagine a server that is AFS aware mounting the AFS and then sharing it back
out as a samba share for example.  This also works nicely to get around
security domain issues.  Problem is how to keep the users synched, if at all
necessary.  There is obviously no need to have a 1:1 equivalency. most users
would probably simply have a readonly type access, that can all be done
under the same user.

What you want to do for Windows is install OpenAFS for Windows and MIT Kerberos for Windows on the client. All of the AFS file system space becomes available to you under the UNC path format: \\AFS\cellname\path

You do not want to use an intermediary server with Samba as a go between.

Jeffrey Altman

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