I saw, but it still not what I need. It pregenerates a build environment, then call the kernel build system in one run.Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Right, but it still make symlinks to source files, generate the makefiles, and execute it immediatly with its own options. What I want is something ready to be included in current 2.6 linux tree, so as to be able to run it with different options.
That's what the configure script is for. Generally you run:
./configure make
This is true even with the "libafs_tree" results. See the openafs-kernel-source package in the "official" RPMs.
Here is the relevant part of generated makefile:
libafs.ko: .FORCE
env EXTRA_CFLAGS="${EXTRA_CFLAGS}" ../$(srcdir)/make_kbuild_makefile.pl ${KDIR} $@ /home/guillomovitch/tmp/libafs_tree/src/config/Makefile.config Makefile.afs Makefile.common
env EXTRA_CFLAGS="${EXTRA_CFLAGS}" $(MAKE) -C ${LINUX_KERNEL_PATH} M=/home/guillomovitch/tmp/libafs_tree/src/libafs/${KDIR} modules
What I want is to run everything until first line on the package build host, and execute the second line on the package target host.
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