We've got a weird problem here...

We're (still) testing OpenAFS for Windows 1.3.7x (73 and 76).  Our
production machines are still running 1.2.10 (and we'd like to upgrade them

Our users have roaming profiles and we're redirecting Desktop, My
Documents, and Application Data into AFS via a mapped drive
(U:\windows\username\...).  The U: drive is mapped with a windows startup
script (other scripts map other drives at startup and logon).

Everything, ie the folder redirection, _appears_ to work, but this is where
the weirdness comes into play: right-clicking on the Desktop and selecting
"New Folder" or "New" anything, fails silently.  But, Desktop is definitely
being redirected.  Navigating to U:\windows\username\Desktop, and creating
a new folder there works: it appears in the explorer window AND on the

This may be a Microsoft issue (and it's tempting to assume so), but it
seems suspiciously AFS-related.

Has anyone else seen anything like this or have any hints, suggestions,
voodoo-chants, or helpful advice?

PS.  Our servers are running OpenAFS 1.2.10.  We've seen this problem with
multiple test users, and on multiple machines running WinXP SP1 and SP2.

Best, Stephen
Stephen Joyce
Systems Administrator                                            P A N I C
Physics & Astronomy Department                         Physics & Astronomy
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill         Network Infrastructure
voice: (919) 962-7214                                        and Computing
fax: (919) 962-0480                               http://www.panic.unc.edu

 (A)bort, (R)etry, (T)ake down entire network?
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