Near as I can tell, the only way to get AFS in a solaris zone is to run
afsd in the global zone.  This is because zones are not full
virtualization, but merely isolation from other processes and the
fair-share scheduler to allocate resources to the zones.  I have not
tried it, but it seems like it should work.

The couple "caveats" i've found with running AFS in the global zone...

1) UID-associated tokens are associated across all zones (including the global.) PAGs work fine, but I've got a couple things that rely on UID association...
2) To get /afs to appear as /afs in all of the zones, you use the a loopback mount. However, since this loopback mount doesn't look like it's in AFS in the zone, PIOCTLs don't work. Anyone think of a workaround?

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