On Sunday, July 17, 2005 04:51:01 PM -0400 Sir Clark Frazier Hale I <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rodney M Dyer wrote:
In the original thread on the web page I commented that clicking on the
"openafs-1.3.85-src.tar.bz2" actually causes the IE browser to download
it as "openafs-1.3.85-src.tar.tar".  This is strange, but even more
strange is the fact that I can't do anything with the resulting file
like I was able to in the past.

I've seen this before on other web sites.  I think that OpenAFS.org's web
site reports the MIME type of a .bz2 file to be application/x-tar or
something like that.  IE renames the file based on that MIME type.
Netscape 7 on Windows sometimes does this, too.

We report the type of tar archives as application/x-tar, whether or not they are compressed. For compressed files (tar archives or otherwise), we report an encoding of x-compress, x-gzip, or bzip2, as appropriate.

-- Jeffrey T. Hutzelman (N3NHS) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sr. Research Systems Programmer
  School of Computer Science - Research Computing Facility
  Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA

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