Coy Hile wrote:

> Okay Doug, I have another question.  You reference $K5BUILD and $SYS in
> the environment variables above.  From that, I gather that you're
> populating the filesystem with various krb5 headers that (for reasons
> unknown to us) Sun do not ship.

We know why the headers are not shipped.   The Sun krb5 implementation
does not match the MIT implementation it is derived from.  They made
changes to the internal data structures.  They are not comfortable
enough with the changes to ensure that they won't change from release
to release.   Since Sun does not change public ABIs from release to
release they cannot open the APIs.

Sun is committed to opening the krb5 implementation once there is an
agreement on a standard krb5 api that can be safely implemented in
multi-threaded environments with pluggable crypto implementations.

Jeffrey Altman

fn:Jeffrey Altman
org:Secure Endpoints Inc.
adr:;;255 W 94TH ST PHB;NEW YORK;NY;10025;United States
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:+1 212 769-9018

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