if I release a volume is the release process atomic?

for example:

fs-one   /vicepa     myvol
fs-one   /vicepa     myvol.readonly
fs-two   /vicepa      myvol.replica

what I'm wanting to do is have apache sever a site from afs, and since I have a readonly on both fileserver apache will be more or less always serving the files from it's cache. what I like about this is I can put a new site in the write/read volume and apache will still server the old site until I release the volume. My main question is will apache serve from it's cache until the whole replication has finished? My understanding is that once the volume has completed the replication the call back is on the whole volume.

the replica/clone on fs-one will probably be complete on it's self faster than on fs-two. Is that right or is the call back to tell the clients that their cache is old done once all replicas are finished.

Pucky Loucks

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