If you are running with SELinux enabled, try disabling SELinux and see what happens. I know Apache on Fedora Core 4 out of the box won't follow symlinks in AFS. You can make it do that, but you have to convince it you really want to. Disabling it is just for testing to see if that's the issue.

Suman Kansakar wrote:

Thank you all for your suggestions.

After fiddling around with it a little bit and checking for all the
suggested fixes, I realize that my problem is more of my Apache 2.0
installation problem than AFS authentication at this point. I do have
the "FollowSymLinks" option set on my configuration, however Apache
refuses to do that. I even created a symlink to a directory on the
same filesystem and Apache still gives me permission denied error.
I'll keep working on it this weekend and see what gives.

Happy Thanksgiving!

On 11/22/05, Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
zeroguy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Frank Burkhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Currently I use a skript refreshing the token for apache's UID at a
regular basis ( su - www-data make_token_from_keytab apache.keytab )
but I'm going to put Apache in a PAG ASAP.
We just altered our apache init script to run in a PAG (start the script
with #!/usr/bin/pagsh), and run another script in the background that
just refreshes the credentials every so often (using a keytab). I.e.
sleep 21600, kinit, aklog, repeat.
<http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/kstart/> may be of interest.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>
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