On Nov 27, 2005, at 8:09 PM, Sherman Wilcox wrote:

First question is whether or not OpenAFS Server is stable when running on Windows XP Pro. That is, is OpenAFS server for Windows ready for prime time? I ask because I can't seem to get it configured properly using the 'Server Configuration Wizard'. Everything seems to install OK but the wizard crashes very consistently when I run it.

The OpenAFS Server for Windows is not stable at all.
Jeffrey Altman pointed frequently out on this list, that it's just a bonus.

It's actually not really maintained.
In some builds the server is working...


If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them.

You can use it as an experiment, but please don't do it for production servers. I use the fileserver on Windows 2000, but it's a version prior to the 1.4.0 release.

I have regularly problems with the volserver and the salvager (crashing), but it's just for fun and for using some of the disk space for AFS on my Windows box.

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