On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Mike Bydalek wrote:

I tried 1.4.1-rc2 on both Linux and Windows clients, and it didn't have any effect on the problem at hand. What I did notice was that the problem came into play as soon as Windows modified the file. The only thing I could see on the server was that it changed the permissions to 777 from 640. As soon as that happened, the Mac client wasn't able to see the file without completely restarting OpenAFS.

Finder is being dumb. There's goo in the afs client to lie about file modes to avoid that but perhaps we should talk to apple about it. I suppose after I see what they do with the ticket I have open, I'll open another.

Just to be thorough, I upgrading the server to 1.4.1-rc2 as well, which didn't seem to affect this problem at all, and actually made the entire test network worse. There's a huge delay with the Windows clients, and a minor one with the Linux clients when first connecting to an AFS directory. I'm not sure what I can do to troubleshoot this as there's no errors in any logs.

Well, you could tcpdump to see what's happening. I would have expected no change.

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