It gets stranger and stranger.  Here's what the user types on the

  $ kinit [EMAIL PROTECTED] && aklog -d -c
  Please enter the password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Authenticating to cell (server 
  We've deduced that we need to authenticate to realm RESEARCH.CS.BERKELEY.EDU.
  Getting tickets: afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Kerberos error code returned by get_cred: -1765328228
  aklog: Couldn't get AFS tickets:
  aklog: Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm while getting AFS tickets

So you'd suspect that the RESEARCH.CS.BERKELEY.EDU KDC hasn't been
contacted, right?  But this is what I get in the KDC logs (times have
been correlated -- this is in response to the cut-and-paste above):

  Mar 05 19:38:40 krb5kdc[1626](info):
                  TGS_REQ (1 etypes {1}) *.*.*.*: ISSUE: authtime 1141616344,
                  etypes {rep=1 tkt=1 ses=1}, [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
                  afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Mar 05 19:38:43 krb5kdc[1626](info):
                  DISPATCH: repeated (retransmitted?) request from
                  *.*.*.*, resending previous response

  Mar 05 19:39:08 krb5kdc[1626](info):
                  DISPATCH: repeated (retransmitted?) request from
                  *.*.*.*, resending previous response

Is there any way to get aklog to be more specific than "Cannot contact
any KDC for requested realm"?  Like, can I get it to spit out a list
of what it believes are the KDCs for this realm?  Or be more specific
about which realm it means here (cross-realm is involved)?

If it is relevant, the user is behind a NAT (which supports UDP -- he
can kinit properly).  I'm not running krb524d and krb5kdc is running
with "-4none".

  - a

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