On Wednesday 19 July 2006 04:31, Franco Milicchio wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm still facing a weird problem with Gnome and OpenAFS. When
> interacting with the GUI and deleting some items, gnome puts them in
> a .Trash directory:
> milicchio:milicchio$ ls -lad .Trash
> drwx------  3 milicchio diaafs 4096 Jul 14 09:13 .Trash/
> Unfortunately this directory is shown *always* empty when opening the
> trashcan from the Gnome GUI, even if it contains files and
> directories, and of course has the right ACLs inherited by the
> container volume:
> milicchio:milicchio$ ls -la .Trash
> total 13
> drwx------   3 milicchio diaafs 4096 Jul 14 09:13 ./
> drwxrwxrwx  59 milicchio diaafs 6144 Jul 14 09:22 ../
> drwxr-xr-x   2 milicchio diaafs 2048 Jul  3 11:36 simple_extension/
> -rw-r--r--   1 milicchio diaafs  873 Jul  3 11:30
> simple_extension.tar.gz
> milicchio:milicchio$ fs la .Trash
> Access list for .Trash is
> Normal rights:
>    system:backup rl
>    system:administrators rlidwka
>    system:anyuser l
>    milicchio rlidwka
> This bug seems to affect all gnome systems (any distribution) with
> users under AFS, since local users in /home do not experience any
> trouble and find their deleted files in the trash.
> Is anyone aware of any workaround? Users keep filling up immediately
> their quotas...

One possible workaround: "ln -s /dev/null ~/.Trash".

> PS. Removing gnome is not a workaround :)

Why not? ;-)

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