Juha Jäykkä wrote:
In my understanding you easily can propagate this error to your
readonly replicas by "vos release"ing the corrupt volume. The volserver
on the receiving side would remove any data not mentioned in the dump

This is frightening. Can I actually vos release the corrupt volume? From
the posts on the list, I'd gather it cannot even be attached - how could
it be released, then?

If it can't be attached anymore, probably not. But I don't know whether it really won't come online after the salvager has thrown away the root directory!

Better you do a "vos convertROtoRW" on the RO-site as soon as possible to regain a valid RW-volume in this case.

Except that I'm unlikely to notice the corruption before it's released,
which happens automatically. Sounds like we need to change our backup

The best way to prevent the salvager from corrupting volumes is not to run it automatically. If you configure your OpenAFS with with "--enable-fast-restart" then the fileserver will not salvage automatically after a crash. So if you find after a ccrash volumes which couldn't be attached you salvage them by "bos salvage server partition volume" and examine the SalvageLog. I suppose in the case he throws the root-directory away you will see some thing in the log.



Hartmut Reuter                           e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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