I'm trying to install openAFS on a Sun x4100 (SunOS 5.10 Generic_118855-14 i86pc i386 i86pc) and I've reached the same problems as were reported a year ago.

Back on Dec 17, 2005, Chas Williams wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"Erland Fristedt" writes:
bash-3.00# modload /kernel/fs/amd64/afs
can't load module: Operation not applicable

look at the dmesg output or the tail /var/adm/messages after you do this.
hopefully there is some additional output.  also, what is the result of
file /kernel/fs/amd64/afs?  it should be,

% file /kernel/fs/amd64/afs
/kernel/fs/amd64/afs:   ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1

I tested the above file, and it's the same output. However, a look at my messages file reveals:

Oct 25 14:54:42 suntest afs: [ID 718928 kern.notice] misc/nfssrv module must be loaded before loading afs with nfs-xlator

I see that this original post was never followed up, nor can I find anythig regarding the above error. Any help will be appreciated.


Paul Mitchell

        Paul Mitchell
        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        phone: (919) 962-9778
        office: I have an office, room 14, Phillips Hall

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