I tried and it did not work, am I missing something?

My linux server is a test server, I can do anything on it:

Verify kvno of service principal:

afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: kvno = 2

I have admin rights on the AD, it also is a test
server. I loaded the Active Directory ADSI Edit snapin
and examined the Domain user AFS.CS.UNC.EDU everything
looks in order, I think:

servicePrincipalName afs/cs.unc.edu
msDS-KeyVersionNumber 2
userPrincipalName afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I then did this on the linux/afs server:

eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # /bin/rm KeyFile
eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # ../bin/bos_util adddes 2
input key:
Retype input key:
eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # /etc/init.d/openafs-server restart
Stopping openafs-server: [  OK  ]
Starting openafs-server:

Using an input key of:


win_password = password set for Domain user AFS.CS.UNC.EDU

Douglas E. Engert wrote:

John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:

I really did not think it would be this complex to
generate a Windows service principal and corresponding

No it should not be, but then again Microsoft did some
things early on that did not follow the Kerberos
conversions, including not using kvnos. We are living with
thuse early decisions.

think the best route is to
try windows ktpass again. The thing I do not understand
is; you create a Windows domain account and then use
setspn to add the afs/cs.unc.edu service principal.
(Or I found the service principal gets added if you
use the "-mapuser" option to ktpass). Then if I use
ktpass to set the password, kvno and generate a
keytab, neither the password or the kvno change for
afs/cs.unc.edu service principal. I thought ktpass was
supposed to do what MIT "kadmin ktadd" does, change the
principals password and dump the key to a keytab so
they matched. Maybe this is the problem with the "bad"
ktpass version.

You have to have admin privilages in AD to change the
enties, although a user can change thier own password,
but I don't thin ktpass is doing that.

At this point I am confused with ktpass, I read the microsoft docs:


The only comment on this is the statememt:

"You cannot map multiple service instances to the same user account."

You can have multiple SPNs, but ktpass appearently can not handle it.

For example I re-created my domain account as AFS.CS.UNC.EDU
and the ran ktpass like this:

ktpass -out keytab -princ afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED] -kvno 7 -crypto DES-CBC-CRC -DesOnly -pass * -mapuser AFS.CS.UNC.EDU

the -mapuser option adds the afs/cs.unc.edu service to the user account.
You can verify this with setspn -L AFS.CS.UNC.EDU, I did not
need to run the Windows "setspn -A afs/cs.unc.edu  AFS.CS.UNC.EDU"
command, (FYI).

The kvno will always default to 1 if you do not specify it.
But after I run this I run "kvno afs/cs.unc.edu @MSE.UNCCS.TEST"
and the kvno is not 7. The kvno only increments if you change
the password for the domain user, in this case AFS.CS.UNC.EDU.

Yes, one password per account, and the kvno is stored in the account
as msDS-KeyVersionNumber with ( mmc and the ADSI plugin you can look
at the AD entries.)

At this point I am not sure if there is one password for
the user accunt and one for the service principal or if they
are one and the same.

They are the same.

I do not know where to get a "good" version of ktpass. I will
ask our Windows guy, I searched Microsoft and they only have
the SP1 version.

Asw I said there is the other way, to avoid ktpass and asetkey.

Another way is to create the AD account, and add the SPN,
and set the password to something known. The salt can then
be determened from the UPN,

I can try this for fun but we really need simpler solution.

msktutil we used this for unix hosts too.

What do I run to determine this?

You AD dmin can look at te entry. You as a user can run
on the mmc command, then use the ADSI Edit plugin to look at your

of to *really* be sure, do a network
trace of the KRB5_ERROR packet returned when you do a
kinit afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Then drill down in the e-data
till you find the salt for DES.

Here it is, don't know how to decode the salt info, I got
this using the command:

/usr/sbin/tshark  -V host eagle or host madison-cs and port 88

host eagle is the afs server, host madison-cs the Windows AD server.

        padata: PA-ENCTYPE-INFO
            Type: PA-ENCTYPE-INFO (11)
Value: 304E3025A003020103A11E041C4D53452E554E4343532E54... des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
Encryption type: des-cbc-md5 (3)
Salt: 4D53452E554E4343532E544553544146532E43532E554E43...

OK this is the salt! Its in asci, so:
4D 53 45 2E 55 4E 43 43 53 2E 54 45 53 54 41 46 53 2E 43 53 2E 55 4E 43... M S E . U N C C S . T E S T A F S . C S . U N C ...

So this look like it is taking the realm(MSE.UNCCS.TEST) and the
SamAccountName AFS.CS.UNC... and using these as the salt. (I assume the ...
would be .EDU from uyourother messages.

                    Encryption type: des-cbc-crc (1)
Salt: 4D53452E554E4343532E544553544146532E43532E554E43...

Then forget about asetkey, and use the AFS "bos_util adddes"
command instead, to add the key to the keytab.  Since bos_util
was designed for Krb4 where no salt was used for DES we can in
effect concatenate the password and the salt used in AD and use
this as the password to bos_util adddes!

Best to test this first on a non-server machine as bos_util
wants to update the /usr/afs/etc/KeyTab file.

If you can give me the password string to give
bos_util I will try it, that is I will enter my known password
I just need the other string/salt info.

 From the above message it looks like you would concatenate to the

I am not sure what the kvno is, but you can find that with the
mmc ADSI Edit and look in the entry for the msDS-KeyVersionNumber

Make sure the knvo does not match any existing keys in the KeyTable file.
If so change the passwrod in AD again, and it will increment the

Thanks for all the input.

John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:
Getting close, I can feel it:

Verify Windows service account:
C:\temp>setspn -L afs
Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=afs service principal,CN=Users,DC=mse,DC

Change the Windows afs domain user password to a known password, this
increments the kvno from 4 to 5. This is verified below.

Create /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile with kvno 5:
ktutil:  add_entry -password -p afs/cs.unc.edu -k 5 -e des-cbc-crc
Password for afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
ktutil:  wkt keytab.ktutil

eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # asetkey add 5 keytab.ktutil afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # bos listkeys eagle -localauth
key 5 has cksum 509175897
Keys last changed on Wed Jan 10 08:53:50 2007.
All done.

Get afs token and try afs access:
klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_3903_015mRF)

Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt3903
klist: You have no tickets cached

Password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_3903_015mRF
Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
01/10/07 08:56:02 01/10/07 18:56:06 krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        renew until 01/17/07 08:56:02

Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt3903
klist: You have no tickets cached

afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: kvno = 5

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_3903_015mRF
Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
01/10/07 08:56:02 01/10/07 18:56:06 krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        renew until 01/17/07 08:56:02
01/10/07 08:56:28  01/10/07 18:56:06  afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        renew until 01/17/07 08:56:02

Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt3903
klist: You have no tickets cached

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]$ aklog -d
Authenticating to cell cs.unc.edu (server eagle.cs.unc.edu).
We've deduced that we need to authenticate to realm MSE.UNCCS.TEST.
Getting tickets: afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using Kerberos V5 ticket natively
About to resolve name sopko to id in cell cs.unc.edu.
Id 3903
Set username to AFS ID 3903
Setting tokens. AFS ID 3903 /  @ MSE.UNCCS.TEST
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]$ tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 3903) tokens for [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Expires Jan 10 18:56]
   --End of list--

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]$ ls /afs/cs.unc.edu/home
ls: /afs/cs.unc.edu/home: Permission denied

Jan 10 08:56:39 eagle kernel: afs: Tokens for user of AFS id 3903 for cell cs.unc.edu are discarded (rxkad error=19270407)

eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # translate_et 19270407
19270407 (rxk).7 = security object was passed a bad ticket

Jeffrey Altman wrote:
Even assuming you wanted to kinit to your service principal
you would have to so with the correct principal name


Your default realm name is CSX.UNC.EDU, not MSE.UNCCS.TEST.

However, you don't want to be able to kinit to that service
principal.  What you want is to be able to obtain a service
ticket for it using a client principal

  kvno afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

obtains a service ticket for the specified principal name.
Assuming the kvno is still 4 after you set the service principal
name. You should try to authenticate to your AFS servers again.

John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:
Jeffrey Altman wrote:

choose one and stick with it.
I am confused with Windows principals:

kinit(v5): Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial

That is why I did:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]$ kinit afs
Password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

So I have a Windows "afs" user account that I ran:

setspn -A afs/cs.unc.edu afs

To Add/Associate a service principal to the Windows login

But I cannot kinit to afs/cs.unc.edu like I can
under MIT KRB5, (my CSX.UNC.EDU linux server):

|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:19% kinit afs/cs.unc.edu
Password for afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:
Jeffrey Altman wrote:
John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:

In C:\Program Files\Support Tools\ktpass
right click properties "version tab" shows 5.2.3790.1830

So use ktutil on the linux openafs server, setting the
password the same as the afs users Windows password:

eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # ktutil
ktutil: add_entry -password -p afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED] -k 1 -e
Where did you get the key version number of 1 from?
When I ran the "bad" ktpass command on windows it always generates
kvno 1
by default. The ktpass /? (help) says:

kvno : Override Key Version Number
       Default: query DC for kvno.  Use /kvno 1 for Win2K compat.

Since this Windows 2003 server is running in 2000 mixed mode I thought
it forced/kept the kvno at 1 for w2k compatability. Below is the
output of
the ktpass, no matter how many times I run it it keeps the "vno"
at 1. I check the keytab.mse file with ktutil and it is at 1.

But you are right I do not know what is in the server. I did not
think hard enough about this.

The key version number must match the number that is actually
issued by the KDC.  You can identify the version number using
the MIT Kerberos utility

  kvno <principal>
I tried this to get the kvno:

eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # kinit afs
Password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # kvno afs

I then ran:

ktutil> add_entry -password -p afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED] -k 4 -e
ktutil> write_kt keytab.ktutil_generated

/usr/sbin/asetkey add 4 keytab.ktutil_generated afs/cs.unc.edu

/etc/init.d/openafs-server restart

I now get the same error as Eric had:

Jan 9 17:14:27 eagle kernel: afs: Tokens for user of AFS id 3903 for
cell cs.unc.edu are discarded (rxkad error=19270407)

Do I need to map an account like Eric did with the "mapuser" option
to ktpass?

The key version number must match the number that is actually
issued by the KDC.  You can identify the version number using
the MIT Kerberos utility

  kvno <principal>

cell cs.unc.edu are discarded (rxkad error=19270408)
The OpenAFS translate_et <error_code> command will tell you this
is because

  19270408 = ticket contained unknown key version number

Windows Event Viewer, System log shows this, sometimes:

While processing a TGS request for the target server
afs/cs.unc.edu, the
account [EMAIL PROTECTED] did not have a suitable key for
a Kerberos ticket (the missing key has an ID of 8). The requested
were 2.  The accounts available etypes were 3  1.
What in the world is requesting a ticket with DES-CBC-MD4 ?


Once I get Windows AD working can I run both our current kaserver and Windows AD authentication against our production cs.unc.edu openafs
at the same time? If I can generate afs/cs.unc.edu service pincipals with the same password on the kaserver and the AD server will this

This may be a good migration path for us. We currently have 2 password databases, kaserver and Windows AD. When we create accounts we use the same user login name for both wndows and linux. Most users keep their passwords the same so logging into Windows gives them an afs token. Even if they don't we just tell them to use their Windows password
as we migrate machine configurations.

This way we can migrate machines to authenticate to "Windows AD only"
over a short period of time and start testing real live systems.

First I have to get Windows AD afs service pricnipal working.
AFS only stores DES keys by key version number.  Ensure that your
kaserver key and your AD key have different version numbers and
you will be just fine.

Jeffrey Altman

John W. Sopko Jr.               University of North Carolina
email: sopko AT cs.unc.edu      Computer Science Dept., CB 3175
Phone: 919-962-1844             Sitterson Hall; Room 044
Fax:   919-962-1799             Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175
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