Hi Everyone,

I'm going through the Authlog of our kas server to see who is still using it. We're doing this to prepare for turning off kas.

I've found some weird message in the authlog and was hoping that someone could shed some light on them.
Wed Jan 10 19:59:36 2007 Larry HodgesIBM-HODGESfoo,afs:auth from xxxx
Thu Jan 11 12:41:26 2007 UNCCUNCC-RV41YBDTD59foo9,afs:auth from xxxx
Thu Jan 11 16:15:13 2007 UNCCUNCC-RV41YBDTD59foo9,afs:auth from xxx
Fri Jan 12 14:05:59 2007 UNCCUNCC-RV41YBDTD59foo9¿oÝwpè,afs:auth from xxx
Fri Jan 12 16:13:09 2007 UNCCUNCC-RV41YBDTD59foo94,afs:auth from xxx

and what is this:
Sat Jan  6 21:52:10 2007 OPENAFS-KDC-PROBE,afs:auth from xxxxxx
I see lots of these.

most of the entries have afs:auth as the service name. Are those successful logins or unsuccessful, and how can I tell?

Am I correct in thinking that a client using kerb5 + aklog won't show up in the AuthLog at all?


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