Hi David,

Are you accessing the AFS folders via a UNC path (\\afs\...) or a mapped drive (H:..., etc)?

I saw this issue only when trying to use a UNC path, as advised by the docs. When I went back to mapped drives, refreshes are always immediate. I reported this bug: http://grand.central.org/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=50864 There's a bit more technical info in RT from Jeff Altman on this problem.

Cheers, Stephen
Stephen Joyce
Systems Administrator                                            P A N I C
Physics & Astronomy Department                         Physics & Astronomy
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill         Network Infrastructure
voice: (919) 962-7214                                        and Computing
fax: (919) 962-0480                               http://www.panic.unc.edu

On Tue, 17 Apr 2007, David Bear wrote:

I have noted recently that with openafs 1.4.01 the windows explore
interface does not seem to refresh itself properly when certain
actions occur.

One use case is when you use the windows explore to create a new
folder. After the new folder is create, you do not see that it created
anything, unless you press f5 (or use view refresh). This leads to a
lot of folders being called 'New Folder', 'New Folder (2)', etc.

The other use case we noted windows refresh not working is we you
rename a folder. You can right click the folder, select rename, type
in the new name. When complete you see no change unless you refresh.

This seems like new behavior, I have not noticed this in the past with
files in afs.

Has anyone else noted this? Perhaps one of the windows updates
microsoft released last week as done some thing undesireable?

any thoughts?

David Bear
phone:  602-496-0424
fax:    602-496-0955
College of Public Programs/ASU
University Center Rm 622
411 N Central
Phoenix, AZ 85007-0685
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