On Sep 6, 2007, at 13:06 , Steve Devine wrote:

Another group in our department mounts web folders out of users home afs space. I recently moved several thousand user vols from one afs server to another using vos move. The folks running the web server reported that several of these mountpoints were timing out on them.
This has happened before.
I had them run fs flush , flushmount, and flushvolume and still the timeout continued. Stopping and starting the client fixed it. So I looked again to make sure that ports 7000~7010 were open on the fileserver. They were. Could this be an issue with the clients firewall perhaps? Seems to me the volserver calls back to the client when something changes. Is there a recommended port range for afs clients that needed to be opened for incoming udp traffic?

Traditionally, port 7001/udp is all that is needed. The right thing will happen if NAT translation takes place along the way, provided the NAT device remembers the port translations for long enough (at least 4 hours, IIRC). You may need a smarter NAT device or replacement firmware to make this work, if you're using a commodity NAT/router.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university    KF8NH

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