cannot get around this problem - see error messages from FileLog:

Tue Sep 25 16:15:21 2007 File server starting
Tue Sep 25 16:15:21 2007 afs_krb_get_lrealm failed, using freakout.de.
Tue Sep 25 16:15:21 2007 VL_RegisterAddrs rpc failed; will retry periodically 
(code=5376, err=22)
Tue Sep 25 16:15:21 2007 Set thread id 14 for FSYNC_sync
Tue Sep 25 16:15:21 2007 VInitVolumePackage: beginning single-threaded 
fileserver startup
Tue Sep 25 16:15:21 2007 VInitVolumePackage: using 1 thread to attach volumes 
on 1 partition(s)
Tue Sep 25 16:15:21 2007 Partition /vicepa: attaching volumes
Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007 Partition /vicepa: attached 4 volumes; 0 volumes not 
Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007 Set thread id 15 for 'FiveMinuteCheckLWP'
Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007 Set thread id 16 for 'HostCheckLWP'
Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007 Set thread id 17 for 'FsyncCheckLWP'
Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007 Getting FileServer name...
Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007 FileServer host name is 'bongo'
Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007 Getting FileServer address...
Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007 FileServer bongo has address (0x4407a8c0 
or 0xc0a80744 in host byte order)
Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007 File Server started Tue Sep 25 16:15:22 2007

i tried to follow the tips from different articles using NetInfo and 
NetRestrict - none worked.

i tried to check "code=5376, err=22" from the source-code but i cannot get
enough information to find the source of the problem.

use "translate_et 5376" :

~: translate_et 5376
5376 (u).0 = no quorum elected

So your database servers haven't head a quorum when the fileserver started. Registration of a fileserver requires a write operation on the vlserver which is only possible on the sync site. Without a quorum the sync site can't be elcted...

Do a "udebug <database-server> 7003" to all your database servers
to find out what happens!

Hartmut Reuter

Please help i'm lost on this one.
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Hartmut Reuter                           e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                           phone +49-89-3299-1328
RZG (Rechenzentrum Garching)               fax   +49-89-3299-1301
Computing Center of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) and the
Institut fuer Plasmaphysik (IPP)
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