Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> If the files are truly intended for read-only use, store them in a
> directory that provides only 'rl' access to the end users or store them
> in a .readonly volume.   In both of those cases the AFS Cache Manager
> knows that the user cannot obtain a lock on the file and will issue one
> locally.
> Jeffrey Altman

Now that I am back in my own timezone let me take the time to explain a
bit more about locking and Microsoft Office applications.  Office
applications will obtain an exclusive lock on a file even when the file
is being opened in "read only" mode.  OAFW will translate "file open for
read and not write and not delete" and "request for exclusive lock" as
meaning "obtain a read lock on the file".

The problem that you are experiencing is that while the Office
application is requesting a lock for a very small subset of the file,
AFS only implements full file locks.  If Office applications are two
machines attempt to open the same file and the first one has the file
open for write, the second one won't be able to open for read because
lock requests that otherwise would be non-intersecting byte ranges
collide when translated into full file locks.

Therefore, if you are providing files to be used simply as read only
templates, they should be stored in AFS in a manner that indicates to
the AFS client that they are in fact readonly so that the cache manager
knows it is safe to fake the locks locally.

Jeffrey Altman

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